So, full disclosure, this is a very short article that is based on a flash of insight that I had recently. I can’t add any more to it to make it longer - as much as I would love to! It was just that - a flash, a strand of thought, a little oasis of meditative musing in the midst of the daily mundane. Yet there is something to be said for brevity. So, here it is:
A few weeks back, I created an Instagram story for my art account and while looking at the list of folks who had watched it (yes I am that crazy person who checks this!), I saw the name of an artist who I was interested in and wanted to emulate (art and small business-wise). The jolt of recognition and the delight I felt were quite out of proportion I’m sure, but I still felt them. The elation only increased when I saw that the artist had started following my account and had liked a post of mine. What joy and excitement flooded my heart! I felt validated, noticed, recognised, and known. I felt like I had progressed a hundred steps in my journey as an artist. I felt like I’d achieved a huge milestone. It was a heady emotion.
And then even as I savoured that moment in time, cherishing that instant, I remembered part of Isaiah 43:1:
" . . . I have called you by name, you are Mine."
And it stopped me in my self-congratulatory track.
Such a simple statement and yet, in the light of my current situation, so profound.
I was already known by Someone greater than the most famous influencer I could think of on social media. Known personally and intimately - by name.
I was already recognised by Someone more powerful than the biggest brand ambassador on Instagram.
I was already noticed by a Man who is the greatest creative genius on any platform.
And I was already validated without the need to prove myself to Him.
I was awed as I breathed in this fresh revelation of what it means to be a child of the Most High God. It was a lovely reminder of the warm, comforting love of my Heavenly Father. It reminded me to put the brakes on all my striving; to enjoy being in the presence of the One who hears the song of the morning stars (Job 38:7), yet still chooses to tell me that I am His!
May this truth bring you as much joy and peace as it did me.
Photo by Elia Pellegrini on Unsplash
Well said. Keep writing - short or long.