Ishnita Nayantara Keskar  |  July 25, 2024
At the early onset of the lockdown in March of 2020, my husband and I found out we were expecting our second child. Our joy was soon dampened when the...
Sheena Gershom  |  July 18, 2024
In December 2007, three baby boys were born 1Kg each and spent more than a month in the NICU. The doctors didn’t know if they would survive. They were medically...
Sheryl Jacob  |  July 9, 2024
Have you ever attended a social gathering where you encountered someone who consistently recounts the same story and dominates every discussion? How do you respond when encountering someone like this?...
Susan Narjala  |  July 2, 2024
We’re in the thick of it. The thick of what, you ask? Raising teens, that’s what. The husband and I are the proud parents of a 16-year-old boy and an...
Ishnita Nayantara Keskar  |  May 31, 2024
Have you noticed how easily small children can make friends? If not, you should watch kids in a playground. They smile, share a sweet, join in a game, or ask,...
Ceenu Jebaraj  |  May 28, 2024
As a child, I had a lot to say. But shyness took all my words away when people were around. I would nurse a longing to be liked by everyone...
Anna Jacob  |  May 25, 2024
Have you ever felt incompetent about a task at hand or a role you have? Worried about a new season in life? Anxious about an unexpected change? You are in...
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IndiAanya is a blog by Christian women in India. We aim to create spaces where Christian women can discuss faith and life, in community with other women (in India and beyond). We hope to facilitate real conversations that inspire, encourage and challenge with words of faith, hope and grace.

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