Share Your Words

Kim W Freeman   |   October 6, 2014 


The beauty of our words is the power they have to heal, encourage, strengthen, instruct and inspire. This blog was started with the hope that it would be a place where words would be able to do all those things-- though perhaps not all at once, of course.

One thing we want to make sure we do is to continue bringing fresh perspectives and voices to this space. To do this well, we want to keep a variety of writers in our arsenal. This is why we need you.

We need fresh Indian voices either here or abroad, who want to share their stories about relationships, parenting, family, being single, living life on purpose and everything in between. Stories that fit with our goal to be a place of faith, grace and hope for our readers so we can continue to build this community.

So what exactly are we looking for? Several things, actually. Here are some ideas:

We want to know what or who inspires you or breaks your heart... What are you passionate about that you think others should be passionate about as well?

Are you a blossoming gourmet chef? Give us your best recipes with photos of your best curry or favorite local dish.

Do you love your city? Many of us are in Delhi, but we know our readers are from all over India. Tell us about your city and why you love where you live.

Has your faith been challenged and you've grown from the experience? We'd love for you to share your story with our readers.

What has forced you to grow? Marriage, parenting, trials, loss or maybe a book you've read that you think everyone else should read as well?

And travel... who doesn't love to travel? Tell us where you've been and how it's inspired you.

All of these are open topics that we'd love to hear about. In 1200 words or less 🙂

If any of these topics appeal to you, write it out, paste it into the message and send us an email to IndiaAanya (at) gmail (dot) com. We prefer no attachments so we know it's not some funky virus that's going to kill our computers. We'll read it and let you know if it's a good fit to publish on the blog. Easy as pie.

So give us your words of faith, hope and grace to share with our community here and a short bio to go along with it. And of course, keep reading and encouraging others in the comments as they bravely share, too.

We can't wait to hear from you!


Photo Credit s_a_ï_d_a via Flickr cc




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Kim W Freeman is the wearer of many hats: a wife to Jon, mother of five, co-founder of IndiAanya, artist and writer. She has a heart to see women grow in their faith and do life together in authentic community. Her perfect day would include cinnamon cappuccino, scones, rainy weather and an inspiring conversation. She haphazardly blogs over at her own place about life, art and spiritual formation at She and her crew live in Charlotte, NC.

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