Priyanka Rawat  |  April 19, 2024
The idea of heaven had never been attractive to me. I had often tried to conjure an image of me and Jesus in heaven, but it would barely last more...
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Susan Narjala  |  April 16, 2024
“Sometimes God allows what He hates to accomplish what He loves.” Those compelling words were shared by a woman who plummeted to the depths of suffering. Yet she did not...
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Deepa David  |  April 9, 2024
I am an external processor, and this sometimes frustrates my husband. He is the opposite. God has given these different styles within marriage and friendships to encourage one another. There...
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Ishnita Nayantara Keskar  |  April 4, 2024
The run-up to the Resurrection Day (Easter) is quite dramatic. Several denominations sincerely observe the period of Lent. The crescendo rises with the celebration of the Palm Sunday of the...
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Susan Narjala  |  March 30, 2024
One of my favourite jewelry pieces is a cross pendant my parents gifted me for my 21st birthday. More than two decades later, I still treasure the gift. It's delicate...
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Ritu Tiru Agarwal  |  March 27, 2024
Imagine if, as we parted ways on Easter eve, I casually mentioned, ‘See you tomorrow at 3 a.m. in the graveyard,’ with a bright smile on my face. You might...
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Sheena Gershom  |  March 21, 2024
We see this seemingly practical question in Mark 16:3. The women at the tomb asked each other, “Who will roll away the stone for us from the entrance of the...
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Anna Jacob  |  February 13, 2024
I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I hope; my soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning, more than watchmen for...
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Deepa David  |  January 16, 2024
I still remember the day so clearly. It was June 20, 2023. It was around 8 am. My dad called to say that my grandfather had passed away. I remember...
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