Shoba Ranjitsingh  |  April 5, 2023
One of the highlights of my week is my weekly online get-together with my friends to study the Bible. We each study inductively during the week, me in Auckland, New...
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Shoba Ranjitsingh  |  February 28, 2023
When I am home, I spend a lot of my time in our kitchen. It has a huge French window which overlooks the lawn, a shady quiet corner of our...
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Shoba Ranjitsingh  |  January 19, 2023
I wake up at 5.30 am and in the quiet and darkness move to the kitchen to make my cup of tea. With my Bible and journal, I settle in...
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Shoba Ranjitsingh  |  December 27, 2022
On New Year’s Day a few years back, I felt a little sad, that the season of Christmas was coming to an end. Through December I had enjoyed singing carols,...
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Shoba Ranjitsingh  |  December 9, 2022
Matthew 11:28 in the Message translation says that when we come to Jesus, we can enjoy unrushed rhythms of life. From the time I read this phrase it has stuck...
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