Vaniz  |  January 12, 2024
“The World Needs More Santas”…..This was the tagline of the 2023 Christmas season commercial advertisement for Coca-Cola. In a very engaging 1:48-minute commercial, there was a city full of busy,...
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Ishnita Nayantara Keskar  |  November 2, 2023
It has taken me quite a long time to admit that I consume too much video content. This problem has been difficult to diagnose for these three reasons: It seems...
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Sheryl Jacob  |  August 22, 2023
We all have a story.  We are all unique individuals with a story to tell.  Each of us has a personal history filled with experiences, relationships, and emotions that have...
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K  |  May 5, 2023
I love the story of Ruth and Naomi, not only as a story of love, commitment, and God’s inclusion but also of women who, like me, live in a culture...
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Ishnita Nayantara Keskar  |  November 28, 2022
Since God, literally created Eve from Adam’s bone, gender specifically womanhood, has borne for me, a bone of contention with God. I am not sure what triggered it, but a...
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Susan Narjala  |  November 15, 2022
Diseases. Diagnoses. Deliberations. Drama. Doctors. Lots of doctors. That pretty much sums up one of the TV shows my husband and I watch fairly regularly on Netflix. When the IndiAanya...
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Deepa David  |  October 11, 2022
“Hi, Deepa! My dad runs an Apple retail store and it’s the end of the month. He has some sales targets to meet. Since I help him run the store...
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Susan Narjala  |  August 2, 2022
Here’s a topic we don’t typically get around to at church: Jesus enjoyed food. We catch glimpses of it all through the gospel narratives. When only one small picnic lunch...
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Susan Narjala  |  September 14, 2021
As a Christian writer who is active in the social media space, I recognise the tension all too well: I desire to use my words for God’s glory but there’s...
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