Tag: Suffering

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Freda Howell McMahon  |  July 19, 2021
“Your heart rate is too high and so is your respiratory rate. We will have to move you to GMC (Goa Medical College); plasma therapy is our only option.” The...
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Sheena Gershom  |  November 17, 2020
If there’s one thing that always trips up my faith in the Lord, it’s adversity. I know that as a child of God, practicing my faith for decades now, I...
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Kim W Freeman  |  April 30, 2020
Even with all the memes and comic relief going around, we all know people are hurting and facing losses that are anything but humorous. And for some, the loss of...
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Shruti Rajkumar  |  April 2, 2020
Lord have mercy on me Take my cold heart and break it open Set me free from my indifference We are surrounded by terror We are reminded of our smallness...
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Susan Narjala  |  March 5, 2020
If you see some brother or sister in need and have the means to do something about it but turn a cold shoulder and do nothing, what happens to God’s...
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Emily Lewis  |  August 29, 2019
I am not, by anyone's definition, an overachiever. While I like (mostly just making) To-Do lists, I'm equally happy to toss them out to spend the afternoon smelling roses. In...
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Pauline  |  February 8, 2019
He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.                                                                                                                                                 Jim Elliot I’ve been studying the gospels over the past few months...
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Susan Narjala  |  February 5, 2019
The other day, an ad from an insurance company popped up on my Facebook feed. A smug-looking man smiled from my computer screen and the tagline read: Complete Protection from...
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Yini Evelyn  |  November 24, 2017
We struggle almost every day. Perhaps I speak as a 20-something, but you get what I mean. Sometimes it feels as though the world conspires to go against you in...
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