Have you ever heard of the story of the missing goat?
One evening, a bunch of teenagers painted the numbers 1, 2, and 4 on three goats and released them into a nearby school building. Chaos and confusion reigned as the goats were discovered the next morning. After an arduous search, all the goats were caught and tethered up except for Goat #3.
The school was dismissed for the day, and students were sent home as the authorities continued to scour the school for the elusive Goat #3. Needless to say, it was a futile search for something that didn’t exist!
But what a lot of time and manpower was spent searching for something that simply wasn't there!
As the year draws to an end, many of us will be poring over our journals and digital diaries, relooking at pictures and reliving memories.
Are we counting our blessings and naming them one by one, or are we looking at the things that didn't turn out the way we assumed they would or should?
How much time did we spend chasing our imaginary goats or mourning over things that were nothing more than a figment of our imagination? The things that we concocted for ourselves, the mind games that took away our time, the what-ifs, could-have-beens, should-have-beens that we herded through the hallways of our minds, the things we have chased around.
What if we are yearning after what was never meant to be ours?
What if we are holding onto that which we are meant to let go of?
What if we are seeking after something which was never meant to be sought after?
What if we are chasing after things that were never part of His plan for us?
What if we are holding onto what we need to give up?
If we just take a moment to pause and look back at the year, we would realise that there is so much to rejoice about . . . the favour of God that surrounded us as a shield, the joy of the Lord that is our strength, the goodness and mercy of the Lord that followed us, the times His blessings overtook us, the times we tasted and saw that the Lord is good, the indescribable gift of hope, the things He allowed or didn’t allow into our lives, the way even what was meant for harm turned out for good, the assurance of salvation, the reality of His presence, the warmth of His love!
The list is endless if we shift our gaze from the could-have-been to the One who promises, He was and is and is to come.
‘God wants us to be grateful for what we have and not be distracted by what we don’t have.’
The Bible affirms that He has laid out His plans for us from ever lasting unto everlasting, and I believe that includes every detail of our lives. Isn’t it better to stick with what He has for us, rather than rush around looking for what isn’t meant for us? Shouldn't we run the race on the course He has set out for us? Can we be faithful in the little entrusted to us that we can be trusted with more?
As we get ready to usher in a new year, what if we made it our life resolution to live each day with gratitude, to look back with thanksgiving, to fill our Gratitude Journals, to resound as the Psalmist, "Bless the Lord, O my soul and forget not all His benefits!" (Psalm 103:2)
May the joy of remembering be ours in this season and in every season of our lives. May the joy of remembering be ours as we can echo again and boldly say—do it for us again, Lord!
As we pore over the timelines and highlights of the past, let us give up the chase for the elusive goat that ghosts us, but instead let us press on with faith and joy!
Photo by Adrien King on Unsplash
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hii Anne
Thanks for sharing this article. Recently, I went through a miscarriage and was deeply broken--constantly being reminded of what I had lost. Your article in a way was God's way of reminding me of all the abundant blessings God has granted in my life.
I am so sorry for your loss and I pray that you will feel the warmth of His love and strength through this time.
Humbled that this piece speaks to you