For the Truth

Kelley   |   July 27, 2023 

“Theology doesn’t matter. Only loving Jesus is important.” This is a popular remark in Christian circles, yet one in desperate need of re-examining. The heart of many who make this comment is clear—a valid concern that Christians become focused on increasing in knowledge alone and making meticulous distinctions, ultimately losing focus on the matter of first importance: the gospel of Jesus.

However, I would argue that actually throwing out theology will not serve in creating unity and holiness in the church but would instead result in unbiblical divisions and works of the flesh. To understand this, we need to define theology. Simply stated, theology is the study of God. In this sense, anyone with thoughts about God is in fact a theologian (though maybe not a very good one).

The late R.C. Sproul says the following, “To be a Christian is to be a theologian—a student of God and his will.” There is no logical basis for a devout worshipper of the God of the Bible who is not also a student of the triune God himself.

Paul emphasises the importance of good theology in his letter to Timothy, as he instructs him with the following: “Keep a close watch on yourself and on the teaching. Persist in this, for by so doing you will save both yourself and your hearers.” (1 Timothy 4:16). Though written particularly for a teaching elder in Christ’s church, I believe this instruction also holds a key principle for all followers of Christ saved by grace. It is integral that we are not only seeking to please God with our lives (close watch on self) but that we also seek to grow according to what is biblically sound and good for our souls (and on the teaching).

I would go a step further to say that without solid biblical teaching, we cannot hope to see the gospel’s transforming grace at work in our hearts. The gospel is, after all, the word of God. As believers who love God we must grow in love for him through seeing him as fully as we are able in this life through his word given to us.

With this being said I am very grateful first and foremost for God’s very word given to us in the pages of Holy Scripture. There is no other book in the world that holds the Old and New Testament’s authority, perfection, and absolute sufficiency. However, I am also extremely grateful for resources that help us better understand God’s word by expounding on it, in a way leading us to soak in various fountains of beauty and truth that are taught in the Bible. With this I believe every Christian, in the context of their local church, should be a student of the Bible and a recipient of solid biblical teaching that brings life to the soul and glory to God.

But, where to begin? Very sadly due to our fallen world and the sin of our hearts, every book, YouTube video, or lecture about the God of the Bible does not project him accurately. At best, the producers of bad theology are truly earnest but unaware of good teaching, but at worst and very often, they are deliberate false teachers, seeking to gain from a false message that denies the Master who bought them (2 Peter 2:1). Due to this sad reality, the church must be diligent in weighing every resource’s soundness and truthfulness based on the Scriptures themselves.

But again, where to begin? If we are just beginning our growth in the knowledge of who God is, this task can feel quite overwhelming. That is why I am delighted to present a trusted publishing resource right here in India which provides biblically solid literature with the bonus of affordability through Indian prices.

It is my joy to recommend For the Truth.  “For The Truth Press Pvt. Ltd. is a publishing ministry which exists to print, publish and distribute resources for the church.” For the Truth hopes to do the following according to their website about us section:

“1. Publish quality and affordable titles in English for the church in India.
2. Translate, publish and distribute both classic and contemporary titles from English into Indian vernaculars.
3. Develop, publish and distribute resources procured by local writers.”

These books are accessible for Indians to purchase, gospel focused, and promote the church as the primary means of sanctification for believers. I highly recommend them for your personal study, group bible studies/book studies, teaching preparation, etc.

But a third time, where to begin?

If you still don’t know where to get started, here are a few of my favourites from multiple categories:

God’s Word For You series—such clear life applicable studies of various books of the Bible! A must have for churches and individuals.

Do Great Things for God series—beautiful children’s books sharing biographies of real followers of Christ and their enjoyment of and work for him.

Conscience: What it is, How to Train it, and Loving those who Differ—A wonderful book about a much neglected topic in today’s church.

Zeal without Burnout—Perfect for leaders in the church or really for anyone seeking a life of service to Christ!

Faithful Theology: An Introduction—where to start if you want to understand more in terms of this article’s purpose in promoting theological studies for every Christian! This is just the first in the series, but I would recommend this entire series: “Short Studies in Systematic Theology” as well as the series, “Short Studies in Biblical Theology.”

Enjoy reading, discussing, meditating on truths, and growing in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, a knowledge that flows into lives lived enjoying him more for his glory! Indian church, let’s join together for the truth.


Photo by Jonny Swales on Unsplash

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Kelley loves coffee dates, scheduling, traveling whenever possible, and reading fiction. She is passionate about life in Bangalore where she resides with her husband and little girl. She is currently enjoying learning to drive in the city, though she still enjoys long auto rides the most. This year, she is learning more about her identity in Christ and how only he provides true rest for her soul. With this, she is learning to take herself less seriously and to take him more seriously (a work in progress for sure!)

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