What Love Requires of Me

Sheena Gershom   |   May 6, 2022 

When my boys were four years old, one of them recited John 3:16 from memory and said, “For God so loved ME that He gave His one and only Son…” His childlike mind could not have comprehended the power of personalising scripture, but this mother’s heart was captivated by the words he’d uttered.

God so loved me that He gave His Son up for me? How amazing is that! Over the years my relationship with the Lord has had its ups and downs, but the thought that God loves me still arrests me in my tracks.

God does not love me because I’m good (far from it) or I’m doing the right things (insert eye roll here!). He loves me because He is love (1 John 4:16). And any love my human heart displays for God or His people is birthed out of His abundant love for me (1 John 4:19).

The beauty of God’s love is that it doesn’t stop with the receiver. It seeps into our souls, and overflows into the lives of those He’s placed around us. This begs the question; how do we respond to His love? How is it transforming our lives and leaving an impact on the world around us?

It’s easy to spout out all the attributes of love listed in I Corinthians 13. But to inculcate those values in my own heart… that’s the work of a lifetime.

In a recent podcast, Andy Stanley invited listeners to ask themselves, “What does love require of me?” That’s a question I’m carrying in my heart as I rethink my priorities and let love be the deciding factor in the choices I’m making.

So, what does love require of me in this season?


It requires a spring cleaning of my soul and a renewal of my mind as I let God cull the cynical mindset I’ve unknowingly nurtured over the years. My faith has grown wane in seasons past but it’s time for a revival.

I’ve had to follow God's guidance and step outside my comfort zone. His perfect love has helped me drive out fears of the unforeseeable future. As cliché as it sounds, I do know He holds my future and I have nothing to fear.

Do I have apprehensions as I let God lead me into the unknown? For sure! But I also have the confidence that as long as I have Him by my side, it’s going to be ok. He’s seen the future – He’s already there. No matter what awaits on the other side of today, He’s got it under control. Rather than letting worry and anxiety stop me from living the abundant life God’s promised, I’m going to let love lead me.


God’s love compels me to endure with patience. He’s teaching me to be quick to listen and slow to speak. While my mind tends to run amuck with every stray thought, I’m learning to quiet my soul and be still in God’s presence – to slow down and be present where He has placed me.

Right now, the place where I’m learning the most patience is at home with my family. Love requires me to take my eyes off the screen and really listen to what my teen sons are telling me. I'm learning to let go of the need to have my way - to pick my battles wisely.


Doing what love requires of me is easier said than done. But by God’s grace we don’t have to do it on our own. As long as we’re willing recipients of His love, we just have to let it flow through us to those who need it. And maybe, just maybe, we’ll bring about a revolution of love that conquers the intolerance and disunity rampant in the world today.


Photo by Emmanuel Phaeton on Unsplash

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Sheena lives in Bangalore with her husband and triplet sons. When she gets a moment's peace, she enjoys journaling, reading, and listening to podcasts. She sporadically documents real-life stories and lessons she's learning from God's Word at SheenaGershom.com

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