The other day my two-year-old handed me her crayons and asked me to colour the picture she held in her grubby fist. It was a nondescript image – of a robot – in a small square piece of paper. The plain black and white lines on the page didn't really amount to much, and I had half-a-mind to throw the paper away and find her a proper colouring book. But then I thought, “Hey, it's been ages since I've done any proper colouring. I might as well brush-up my skills on this paper first.”
So I began to scratch the crayons against the paper. It's amazing what three colours can do to a scruffy piece of paper. As the robot came to life in glorious shades of pink, green and yellow (yes, that's how we like our robots!), I silently watched the joy light up my daughter's eyes. Gone was the stark plainness; in its place was a happy little robot surrounded by pink and green bubbles!
As I think about it, I realise that my life is very often stuck in plain black-and-white, until God throws in some colourful circumstances to transform my humdrum existence. Perhaps the green of a vibrant, growing new experience, the mauve of a stormy encounter, the pastel shades of lavender and blue of the gentle refreshing as I sit at my Lord's feet and enjoy His presence, or the golden hues of laughter and joy -- the list is endless. Each tint is being used to bring His masterpiece to life.
So instead of shedding bitter tears that I'm being changed through a hard school of learning, I need to keep my eyes on Him, remembering that each brush-stroke of colour will add another dimension to something that will one day be a reflection of our glorious King. So here's to one day being a happy little oddly-coloured robot that brings joy to my Maker.
"So instead of shedding bitter tears that I’m being changed through a hard school of learning, I need to keep my eyes on Him, remembering that each brush stroke of colour will add another dimension to something that will one day be a reflection of our glorious King." Wow. Such a big reminder in such a simple and gentle way. Thank you for sharing Ruth. 🙂
Thank you Maria 🙂