The Colourful Robot

Ruth Davidar Paul   |   April 6, 2016 

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The other day my two-year-old handed me her crayons and asked me to colour the picture she held in her grubby fist. It was a nondescript image – of a robot – in a small square piece of paper. The plain black and white lines on the page didn't really amount to much, and I had half-a-mind to throw the paper away and find her a proper colouring book. But then I thought, “Hey, it's been ages since I've done any proper colouring. I might as well brush-up my skills on this paper first.”

So I began to scratch the crayons against the paper. It's amazing what three colours can do to a scruffy piece of paper. As the robot came to life in glorious shades of pink, green and yellow (yes, that's how we like our robots!), I silently watched the joy light up my daughter's eyes. Gone was the stark plainness; in its place was a happy little robot surrounded by pink and green bubbles!

As I think about it, I realise that my life is very often stuck in plain black-and-white, until God throws in some colourful circumstances to transform my humdrum existence. Perhaps the green of a vibrant, growing new experience, the mauve of a stormy encounter, the pastel shades of lavender and blue of the gentle refreshing as I sit at my Lord's feet and enjoy His presence, or the golden hues of laughter and joy -- the list is endless. Each tint is being used to bring His masterpiece to life.

So instead of shedding bitter tears that I'm being changed through a hard school of learning, I need to keep my eyes on Him, remembering that each brush-stroke of colour will add another dimension to something that will one day be a reflection of our glorious King. So here's to one day being a happy little oddly-coloured robot that brings joy to my Maker.

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Ruth Davidar Paul is a freelance editor, writer, and recently, an artist. She has lived in several cities across India and currently calls Chennai home, where she lives with her husband Abhishek and their children Abigail, Jordan, and Amy. She blogs at and paints @quaintstains on Instagram.

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2 comments on “The Colourful Robot”

  1. "So instead of shedding bitter tears that I’m being changed through a hard school of learning, I need to keep my eyes on Him, remembering that each brush stroke of colour will add another dimension to something that will one day be a reflection of our glorious King." Wow. Such a big reminder in such a simple and gentle way. Thank you for sharing Ruth. 🙂

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